Lebenswert Formula

Lebenswert formula offers more, with a Bioland Organic Guarantee!

Lebenswert(which meanslivablein English)is a Bioland-certifiedorganic baby formula made on a sustainablebiodynamic farmby the German company Holle. As one of the leading baby formula brands in Europe, the company excels at producing clean formula from grass-fed cows. The formula is made in a sustainable facility, so your baby won’t consume any harmful substances.

Lebenswert Bio also refuses to use any ingredients exposed to pesticides or herbicides. The milk is also free of hormones, so your baby is going to be healthier, stronger, and more fit. By choosing Holle Lebenswert, you are also providing your baby with the best baby formula in the world. From infancy to toddler, you will also ensure your baby receives wholesome and healthy nourishment.

Lebenswert Baby Formula Stages:

Lebenswert Stage 1is formulated for infants to six months, so it provides the perfect balance between nutritious purity and taste. It’s also ideal for babies who have a sensitive palette or need an organic baby formula that is gluten-free.

Lebenswert Stage 2   is ideal for babies older than six months who require an easy-to-digest organic formula that contains all the essential vitamins and minerals a growing baby needs to grow healthier and meet earlier developmental milestones.

Lebenswert Stage 3   is perfectly formulated for babies older than ten months to help boost intellect and growth. By ten months, your baby will be able to express how much he or she loves the best organic baby formula for growing toddlers.

Lebenswert Formula Review

 Lebenswert formula reviews by parents show much enthusiasm as it does not contain artificial flavoring, sugar, corn syrup, preservatives, soy, gluten, or GMOs. It’s also quality made with clean, organic ingredients, so it’s the perfect breastfeeding substitute. 

Lebenswert also donates one cent of each baby formula sold to forest restoration and reforestation projects, so you’ll be supporting an eco-friendly BIO project with each Holle Lebenswert formula purchase at My Organic Company.

Parents around the world are visiting My Organic Company to buy Lebenswert formula because of its exceptional superiority among baby formula makers. Your baby will love the fresh taste, too!

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From finding the right formula to worry-free shipping, we're committed to helping you find the best for your little one.
1. Find the Right Formula
We carry the preferred organic formulas, cereals, and more! Having a hard time choosing? Just ask our customer service and we can help guide you! We carry the preferred organic formulas, cereals, and more! Having a hard time choosing? Just ask our customer service and we can help guide you! We carry the preferred organic formulas, cereals, and more! Having a hard time choosing? Just ask our customer service and we can help guide you! We carry the preferred organic formulas, cereals, and more! Having a hard time choosing? Just ask our customer service and we can help guide you!
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Why choose European organic baby formula?
With so many options out there, choosing the right baby formula can be overwhelming! A closer look at the ingredients reveals the clear markers to look for when choosing the right baby formula for your little one.

How MyOrganicCompany Works

From finding the right formula to worry-free shipping, we're committed to helping you find the best for your little one.



1. Find the Right Formula

We carry the preferred organic formulas, cereals, and more! Having a hard time choosing? Just ask our customer service and we can help guide you!


2. Place Your Order

We offer up to 15% discount when you subscribe!


3. Enjoy Baby-Friendly Shipping

Can you believe it, our shipping is FREE when you order a 6,8,12 pack! Within 2-7 business days your package will arrive with Express shipping. We offer both express shipping and standard shipping on single pack orders.

Why Choose European Baby Formula?

1. Better Ingredients

What are those ingredients?

1 Better Ingredients

  • - Most European formula’s main protein source is lactose (composed of whey and casein).
  • - Since cow’s lactose has less whey than breastmilk, whey is added to make the formula closer to breastmilk.

2. Carbohydrate

  • - Typically lactose is the only carbohydrate necessaryMany European formulas stick with this rule!
  • - If other carbohydrates are necessary, the BAD carbohydrates such as corn syrup solids, glucose syrup solids, sucrose, sugar, brown rice syrup are avoided

3. Fat

  • - Typically the vegetable oils (palm oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil)
  • - Many American formulas have hidden soy in this list of their ingredients - making it seem like “soy oil” is nothing to be concerned about.

2. Demeter Quality

Demeter quality sets European formula apart. This is organic++ which means the farms are fully organic and the environment is being well taken care of. Watch this short video for more:

In Summary:

  • - Biodynamic = Organic farming using self-sustaining farming methods throughout the entire farming system.
  • - NO GMO’s
  • - Composting & Water Conservation are used
  • - 10% of farm is dedicated to biodiversity
  • - Demeter started in 1928 in Europe and is MOST recognized brands in Europe
  • - Growing healthiest, most sustainable farm possible to grow the most nutritious food!


3. Completely Soy Free Options

Unlike the formulas on the shelf in America, there are options of European formula that have ZERO additional soy added to their formula! Some options include Holle formulas, Lebenswert formulas, Loulouka formulas, HiPP Germany Stage One, and HiPP Dutch Stage 2 to name a few!

Why does this matter? Read our article all about the dangerous effects of soy on children.

4. No Synthetic Nutrients

Synthetic nutrients include lutein, lycopene, taurine, L-carnitine, and L-methionine. Many of these substances are toxic themselves or processed with toxic solvents.

  • These are banned in Europe, but are still commonly found in many American formulas.


5. Extra healthy


  • - Supplements or enhanced foods that contain living microorganisms.
  • - “Friendly” bacteria can change the bacteria balance in the body.
  • - Example: HiPP formula contains Lactobacillus fermentum hereditum


  • - Supplements or foods that contain an ingredient that can’t be digested normally
  • - Stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria, acting as food for the bacteria.
  • - Examples: Compounds like oligosaccharides that are found in human breast milk or infant formula

Why are they good?

  • - A summary report in the journal Pediatrics in 2010 found that randomized clinical trials show probiotics are somewhat effective in supporting gastrointestinal wellness in healthy children.
  • - Probiotics may help ease gastrointestinal issues and colic. For example, an Italian study reported in JAMA Pediatrics in 2014 that babies fed a probiotic supplement from birth emptied their bowels more, had less spit-up, and had less colicky crying at 3 months than those on a placebo.
  • - Prebiotics may help support skin health in otherwise healthy babies, according to the Pediatrics report.