Postpartum Hair Loss

June 11, 2021

Postpartum Hair Loss

Pregnancy brings many changes; one notable difference that many women see is a major difference in hair texture and growth. Hormones can make hair grow faster and even fall out less.

You can also expect that hair may start to grow in new places, places you may not appreciate as much as full thick shiny hair - think face, chest, belly, and arms.

This obnoxious and unwanted growth is due to those same pregnancy hormones, plus an increased blood circulation and metabolism that is now working for two. All of this together brings more nutrients to your hair on all parts of your body.

The good and bad news: The hair on your head should return to normal within six months after birth. If you love your new found thick, luscious hair this may not be great, but if your texture has changed in a way that is frizzy or wild, just hold on as changes are coming.

Postpartum Hair Loss

During pregnancy the body experiences soaring estrogen and progesterone levels which causes hair to remain in an ongoing stage of growth; this is what creates thicker, more lustrous strands as well as the change in texture.

These hormones level out in the months following childbirth and the hair that remained in this ‘resting’ stage then begins to fall out.

It is worth noting that this shedding of pregnancy hair at a noticeable rate is not unusual at all. In fact it is easy to find online parenting groups, social media accounts, and even memes dedicated to hair loss after childbirth.

Postpartum Hair Loss Meme

Keep in mind that each mother is unique and the amount of hair loss may vary from birth to birth. Sometimes all of this shedding can feel overwhelming and certainly is no laughing matter, however, we do think you will agree that it is nice to know that you are not alone.

How Long Does Postpartum Hair Loss Last?

Postpartum hair loss can differ from person to person, but from beginning to end you can expect this stage to usually last no more than three months. New growth starts soon after, about six months after the birth.

When Does Postpartum Hair Loss Stop?

It takes about three months for pregnancy hair to completely shed. That is why most people notice the most hair loss around the three-month to six-month postpartum mark. It is usually at this time that you are at the end of the hair loss cycle.

Best Shampoo for Postpartum Hair Loss

If the excessive hair shedding bothers you, these tips can help until your hair regains its normal fullness.

Use Shampoo and Conditioner that Add Volume

Finding the best shampoo and conditioner for thin hair is really a matter of trial and error. There is no single ingredient that makes a volumizing shampoo or conditioner for fine hair better than the resort.

You may find that a shampoo and conditioner containing biotin and keratin can help make your hair look and feel thicker until your hair regains its normal fullness.

Best Natural Shampoo for Postpartum Hair Loss

Some of the best shampoos for thinning hair give lots of volume naturally without a lot of crazy chemicals. Your hair will look better and feel better without ingredients like sulfates and parabens.

Consult with Your Beautician

There are many haircuts that make hair look fuller. An experienced stylist can tell you what will work for you.

This may be the perfect time to choose a style that takes little to no work. A short style can make hair look fuller and can also be easier to manage, which can save precious time and energy.

As many mothers can attest, time and energy will be in short supply with a new little one in the home.

Postpartum Hair Loss Vitamins

Prenatal vitamins will not stop the hormonal changes that initially trigger postpartum hair loss, but can be extremely helpful after birth.

These vitamins deliver a good dose of iron, which can be particularly important if you lost a lot of blood during delivery. You will also receive extra nutrition to replenish your tired body and help new hair growth after postpartum hair loss.

You can also look for a daily women's vitamin. Make sure to check the label for a vitamin that contains antioxidants like vitamins C and E. Antioxidants are known to help to protect the scalp and hair follicles.

Another ingredient particularly helpful during postpartum hair loss is Biotin and zinc. Combined they help fortify your hair and aid in new growth.

Postpartum Support International

My Organic Company knows that you’re little one's health and wellbeing starts with the family. We are here to not only bring the best nutrition to your baby with pure, clean, and organic European baby formulas but also support those who care for and love them.

Please join us in the HiPP, Holle, Kendamil & European Baby Formula Parent Community. Here we discuss issues that are relevant to where you are in your parenting journey. From postpartum hair loss to toddler formulas, we talk about it all.

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