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Baby Safety: Parent's Guide 101
Starting with the moment you lay eyes on your baby to the toddler years, we know how important the health and wellbeing of your baby is to your family and that it takes thought and effort every day.
From European baby formula to devices that keep things closed or baby in and so much in between, let's take a look at tips and information that can help parents and caregivers keep their little ones safe at home and on the go.
Table of Contents
Baby Safety Gates and Home Preparation
The best time to start baby-proofing for your new arrival is early in your pregnancy before you register. This time is perfect so you can not only include needed safety items on your gift registry but also be prepared before an accident happens.
The best way to find what needs to be baby-proofed in the home? Get down on your hands and knees and think like a baby; inspect different aspects of the home from the angle of the little person that will soon enter your lives.
Baby Safety Kit
A great place to start is to take care of all the obvious hazards such as exposed electrical sockets, blind cords, and easily closed doors that could pinch little fingers or may lead to water that makes drowning possible.
Child proofing kits are designed for targeting key areas of your home and offer solutions to help create peace of mind for caregivers and a more secure home for your baby.
Baby Safety Cabinet Locks
Baby safety locks keep little hands from opening cabinets filled with toxic chemicals and harmful objects in kitchen and bathroom cabinets but still allow adults easy access to needed items. It’s an easy project to install that is easily tackled before the baby is born or during nap time.
Baby Safety Door Knobs
You want to build a home that doesn't inhibit your child’s curiosity and only fosters imagination, but curiosity can sometimes lead them to places that may cause them harm. The best door knob safety cover allows you to stop them from entering places that you do not want them to explore while keeping the rest of the spaces open and ready for play and learning.
Baby Safety Door Stopper
Baby safety door stoppers are easy to install and great for wall protection, while keeping areas open for play and exploration. These will help avoid painful finger pinch and jamming injuries.
Baby and Pet Gates
When bringing home a new baby, a gate or two can make your life a little easier and your child a lot safer. Starting from day 1, parents and caregivers can use a pet gate to keep a pet away from a child or to set off limit areas as a pet gets used to the new family member.
Baby Safety Gates
Child safety gates are used for keeping little ones away from dangerous areas or rooms; you will need these for babies that have started to crawl all the way through the toddler years. Consider purchasing a safety 1st baby gate, as they have various designs to prevent children from opening them. Installing the gate according to the manufacturer's directions will give you the safest possible area for baby and pets.
Common House Plants Poisonous Babies
Bringing the outdoors in has always been hugely popular and recently we have seen a huge surge of indoor plants.
Indoor plants brighten up the living space and can improve air quality. However, some plants can also be poisonous to little ones.
Poisonous Indoor Plants to Babies
Another use for baby gates is to keep curious hands and mouths away from harmful houseplants you may have in your home.

Baby Bath Safety
The most important safety tip we can highlight is to never ever leave your baby unattended in the bathtub or baby bath seat. It only takes a few seconds for a baby to drown.
This is also the perfect time to suggest that parents and caregivers turn down their water heater to 120 F to keep little ones from getting serious burns. Always test the bath water to make sure it is not too hot before setting your baby in the water. Dipping your elbow or the back of your hand in the water to test is quick and easy.
Baby Bath Tub
Give your baby a sponge bath until his umbilical cord has fallen off and circumcised babies have healed as well. After that, your newborn will be ready for the bathtub. Make sure to choose one that has a contoured design or an internal sling that prevents your baby from sliding.
Baby Bath Set
For little ones that are old enough to sit with support, you may decide to use a bath seat for your baby. Make sure you buy a seat that has sturdy suction grips on the bottom as well as a strap or bar that goes between your child’s legs to prevent them from slipping down. Please make sure you do not use a seat that was manufactured before 2010 because safety regulations have drastically changed.
Baby Bathroom Safety Tips
Giving your baby your full undistracted attention is key to bathroom safety. Remember, if you have to leave the room for any reason, you take your baby with you. The point can’t be stressed enough—whether you use a baby bathtub or bath seat, do not ever leave your child in the bathroom unsupervised.
This means you must bring all the necessary items, such as towels, clothes, diapers, lotions, etc. to the bathroom before you place your baby in the tub. Otherwise you will be taking a wet baby with you to go grab that missing item. It is always much safer to do bath time with your babies if you have older kids or your partner available, just in case something is needed last minute then they can grab it for you. A note on older children, please have them grab the missing items and not supervise the baby.
Another useful tip that is easy to do before your baby is even brought home is to get in the habit of storing small appliances, such as hair dryers and radios, away from the water and bathing areas. Keep these appliances unplugged and out of reach when not in use.
Baby Car Safety
The best way to keep your most precious cargo safe is to use the right car seat in the right way at every stage and age of your baby's life.
Baby Car Seat Safety Tips
Road injuries are the leading cause of preventable deaths and injuries to children in the United States. Correctly used and installed child safety seats can reduce the risk of death by as much as 71 percent. Wow! That is a huge reduction by taking a small step.
Buying the right car seat before birth and looking into proper installation before heading to the hospital is crucial. In fact, you will not be able to take your newborn home until they have looked at your baby seat and watched you properly secure your baby in the car. The first car seat your baby will need is a rear-facing car seat - keep them in this position as long as possible until 2 or more years.
If you have questions about safety seats or installation, call the Auto Safety Hotline at 888-327-4236 (888-DASH-2-DOT). Another opinion is to visit an NHTSA car seat inspection station. These helpful stations are often located at fire stations and have certified technicians who will show you how to properly install and use your car seat.
Leaving Baby in the Car
Thinking ahead will help to minimize the risk that a child will accidentally be left behind in a car or get trapped inside. It is never too soon to start with habits that can potentially save your infant's life.
Here are some easy to remember tip and tricks to get you started:
✔ Leave a purse, briefcase, shoe, or cell phone in the back seat. That way, you get in the habit of checking in the back seat before leaving the vehicle.
✔ Make an arrangement with your child’s day care to have them call you if the child doesn’t show up as expected.
✔ Always lock your car and car trunk, even if the car is parked in the driveway at home, and always keep keys out of the reach of little ones.
Baby Toy
Starting in the very early days, even if a toy is near your little one to help develop eye tracking, it is important to inspect your child's toys often.
Be sure that toys are unbreakable, do not come apart, do not have small parts that could be chewed or broken off, and are not sharp. The pieces/toys should be larger than your baby's mouth
Back to Sleep
We have all seen or heard the motto Back-To-Sleep when it comes to infant sleep safety. This is just a simple reminder that all infants should be put down for sleep on their backs to reduce the risk for sudden infant death syndrome, also called SIDS.
Avoid soft bedding that might suffocate your baby, such as pillows, blankets, plush toys, and bumpers in the crib. Crib slats should be 2 ⅜ inches apart or less so the baby’s head can't get trapped.
Keep your baby's room at a moderate temperature and dress them in a way that they can't overheat. This also reduces the risk of SIDS.
Check with your pediatrician for recommendations on sharing a bedroom with your newborn and skin to skin contact with your baby.
European Baby Formula
When it comes to your little one’s nutrition, we know how important it is that you receive a formula that is pure, clean, and safe.
We work tirelessly to make sure you will never receive formulas that may be compromised in any way. One way we do this is by following strict health and safety guidelines and not allowing baby formula that has entered another home to be returned and reshipped.
By offering custom one-on-one consultations with our European baby formula experts, we can find the right fit to minimize the need to choose another formula.
In the meantime, here are our #1 picks of European baby formula:
#1 Whole Milk Formula
Age: 0-6 months
Size: 800g / 28.22oz
Why Choose?
Whole Milk option with MGFM, DHA/ARA from Algae Oil instead of Fish Oil, No Palm Oil
#2 Skimmed Milk Formula
Age: 0-6 months
Size: 900g / 32oz
Why Choose?
Coconut Oil instead of Palm Oil, Milk from Grass Fed Swiss Cows
#1 Goat Milk Formula
Age: 0-6 months
Size: 800g / 28.22oz
Why Choose?
Biodynamic Organic A2 Whole Goat Milk, Organic Maltodextrin, No Palm Oil
Shipping Safety
We guarantee that your infant formula will be stored and delivered in accordance with the highest quality control standards in the United States, Canada, and Europe. This ensures the safety and integrity of the ingredients in each and every container that we send to your door.
Baby Safety Numbers
Be prepared! Consider taking a certified CPR class if you are not already certified. You can find out about these classes from your local Red Cross or American Heart Association chapter. Post a demonstration chart near you for easy access. All your baby's caregivers should be CPR-certified.
Gather a list of emergency numbers and keep them on your fridge and in your phone.
These numbers should include:
✅ Your child's pediatrician
✅ 24-hour nurse-on-call number
✅ Non-emergency police department
✅ Non-emergency fire department
✅ 911 reminder
✅ Poison control 800-222-1222
Baby Safety Support
This information is just to get you started or help reinforce what you may already have gathered. Of course, speaking with your child’s health care provider is important at every step to ensure you are always up to date with the latest news and facts to keep your baby as safe as possible.
My Organic Company is so happy to be here with you during this part of your parenting journey. Whether you are just beginning or are a long time parent or caregiver we are here for you!
Please join other families from every stage of life in our HiPP, Holle, Kendamil & European Baby Formula Parent Community where we share helpful hints, tips, and smiles to make your day a little brighter.