Best Formula for Colic

April 08, 2022

Best Formula for Colic

Colic is when a healthy baby cries for an exceedingly long time for no obvious reason. It is most common during the first 6 weeks of life. It usually goes away on its own by age 3 to 4 months, but in some cases, it can last as long as the toddler years.


Colic is a problem for as many as 1 in 4 babies, so families often look for a formula that can reduce some of the symptoms experienced or a formula that could avoid colic altogether.


Naturally, there are formulas to choose from that can aid in colic relief.

Table of Contents

    1. Colic Pain in Babies
  1. What Causes Colic?
  2. What are Colic Symptoms?

    How Long Does Colic Symptoms Last?

  3. Colic Calm

  4. How to Prevent Colic in Babies

    1. Goat Milk Baby Formula

      Hydrolzed Baby Formula

  5. Anti-Colic Baby Formula

  6. Best Formula for Colic and Gas

Colic Pain in Babies

Colic is a condition characterized by frequent crying that exceeds at least three hours a day and occurs more than three days a week.


While the exact cause of colic has not determined, experts do know that it is not the result of genetics or anything that happened during pregnancy or childbirth.


Most importantly, you must know that this does not reflect your parenting skills.

What Causes Colic?

Experts can not pinpoint the one specific cause of colic, as it can result from several ​​contributing factors.


While a number of probable reasons have been explored, it's difficult for researchers to see each contributing factor, such as why it usually begins late in the first month of life, how it varies among infants, why it happens at certain times of day and why it resolves on its own in time.


However, several digestive-related triggers can be isolated and comforted.


 Overstimulated Senses


 An Immature Digestive System


Infant Acid Reflux


Food Allergies or Sensitivity


Tobacco Exposure


Milk-Protein Intolerance

What Are Colic Symptoms?

Babies have been known to fuss and cry, especially during the first three months of life. The range for what's considered typical crying is difficult to pin down.


In general, colic is defined as crying for three or more hours a day, three or more days a week, for three or more weeks.


Features of colic may not look the same for all infants but, familes can expect your baby to experience one or more of the following.




Colic can have additional symptoms, including a flushed complexion, fever, inactivity, and a swollen abdomen.


Sometimes infants can find relief after passing gas or having a bowel movement. Gas is likely the result of swallowed air during prolonged crying.


How Long Does Colic Last in Babies?

Since the exact cause of colic is not yet known, it can be more difficult for pediatricians and health professionals to diagnose the condition and impossible to narrow down how long the symptoms will last.


The good news is that colic is usually short lived, starting around 3 weeks of age (later in premature infants) and usually peaking when your little one is close to 6 weeks old. In most cases it is known to decline significantly after 3 to 4 months of age.


The colic may stop suddenly — or end gradually, with some good days and some bad days until most of them are good and it is clear the stage has passed.

Colic Calm

While the excessive crying and excessive symptoms will resolve with time, managing colic adds significant stress to the family emotionally and physically.


Listening to your newborn's screams day after day can be both heartbreaking and anxiety-provoking. Please take time to take care of yourself and other caregivers in your home.

Take turns

When you start feeling tense, a fresh set of arms can help induce calm in a crying baby and the caregiver. If there are two parents at home during baby's witching hours, make sure colic duty is divided up equally between the two of you.


It can help take an hour on, an hour off, a night on, a night off, or whatever works best. Sometimes just knowing you are soon to have a break will help!

Take a break

It is important to respond to crying, which is an infant's only way to communicate. But when there is no backup, it can be especially important to every once in a while, take a 10- to 15- minute break during a particularly trying crying marathon.


It will help both of you get through this particular challenging phase.

Turn down the noise

Earplugs, noise-canceling headphones, or listening to music can lessen the effect of your baby's wails.


Do not tune out your baby so much that you cannot hear him at all but just enough to take the edge off and help you to feel less tense.

Find an ear or a shoulder

Make sure you communicate your feelings. These days can be hard, and having someone to talk to or cry with can help.

Get help

Feeling overwhelmed or having trouble coping is not unusual when your baby is inconsolable.


Do not hesitate to talk to your doctor or a mental health professional. When you take the best care of yourself, you are able to take the best care of your little one.

How to Prevent Colic in Babies

Although colic causes remain widely unknown, it is often linked to your baby’s still-developing tummy and digestive issues associated with certain components in breast milk or formula.


Lactose sensitivity or an intolerance to cow's milk allergy is thought to be a leader among the colic causing troubles.

Goat Milk Formula

To address a problem such as colic, families will be comforted to know that natural goat’s milk formula or organic goat’s milk formula, which are usually easier to digest for children, can help ease many of the symptoms your little one may have.

Goat Milk Baby Formula

Goat milk formula is a readily available alternative to cow’s milk formula. Families have found this is extremely helpful when faced with colicky struggles.

Goat Milk Formula vs Cow Milk Formula

Cow’s milk formulas are generally based on milk and usually will add whey to mimic breast milk. The whey is added to make the curds softer.


Goat milk naturally has a soft curd, and as the whole of the milk is used in the making of the formula, it often does not require the addition of whey.

Goat Milk Infant Formula

Whey is a protein that many infants with an immature digestive system may struggle with, resulting in a lactose intolerance or sensitivity.


The harder your little one's gut has to work the more this can manifest as bloating, stomach cramps, distress such as crying and irritability, and may occur a couple of hours after feeding.


Often the symptoms of colic are found because of this reaction. Goat milk formula is naturally an A2 milk protein that makes digestion and absorption of nutrients easier.


Goat milk spends less time in the digestive track and colic signs are quickly improved and often relieved.

Hydrolyzed Baby Formula

Extensively hydrolyzed protein formulas are regularly used to reduce colic in bottle-fed infants.

Without question, hydrolyzed protein significantly lowers gastrointestinal symptoms and crying in little ones.

Hydrolyzed Formula

Hydrolyzed formula is a specialty, milk-based formula where the cow's milk proteins are broken down into smaller pieces.


This makes the formula easier to digest for little ones that have a milk allergy or colic symptoms due to digestive worries.

Hydrolyzed Formula List

When looking for the perfect hydrolyzed formula that will rid your infant of colic symptoms there are important factors to consider.


Reduced lactose content which relieves gas and wind and ensures up to 40% less crying


 Special fat structure, closer to that of breast milk that reduces the formation of calcium soap and provides soft stool and easier absorption


A formula with Lactobacillus fermentum* and prebiotic dietary fibers (GOS) for ease of digestibility and balance of gut microbe

Anti-Colic Bottle

At almost any big brand store that carries infant needs, families can find specialty baby bottles that come with features specifically designed to help relieve gas and colic symptoms.


Just like finding the best formula to suit your little one's needs, it is important to have options because every baby is unique.


Here are some of the key features that bottle manufacturers use to try to eliminate the air that can intensify colic symptoms from entering your baby’s digestive system:

Baby Bottle Nipples

For gassy and colicky babies, slow flow is generally best. By reducing the risk of overfeeding with a fast flow, you are likely to alleviate gassy, colicky, and uncomfortable tummies.

Baby Bottle Nipple by Age

There are so many different shapes of baby bottle nipples; all have slightly different shapes; Pay attention to your child’s latch to see which shape for your little one's mouth is important.


Depending on your baby’s preference, one may cause them to consume more air than another.

Angled Baby Bottle Nipples

When your baby sucks on a bottle, a vacuum is created, and pressure builds, and so does air.


Many nipples have a built-in valve system that is designed to let air back out in a way that does not create large bubbles in the baby formula that remain in the bottle.

Baby Bottle Air Vent

Bottles have built-in valves to keep the air from traveling through the milk and potentially cause even more bubbles to form. This is especially helpful for the colicky baby.

Bottle Babies

Choosing a baby bottle can be a bit more difficult. Bottles come in all different shapes and sizes.


For colic, the bottle we recommend is an angle to help guide the flow of gas bubbles through the formula and back to the end of the bottle.


This also allows your little one to be held in a more upright, seated position for feeding, which is the best way to give a bottle for colic and for growth and development.

Best Formula for Colic and Gas

Every baby is unique, and colic can have many different causes, often as individual as your infant. For babies who are struggling with colic, stomach distress, and worries, these days are hard on the whole family.


My Organic Company can be an integral part of your support system during this difficult time; stocked full of European baby formulas that offer clear pure nutrition for all development stages, including colic.


The team of experts can help you find the perfect formula for reducing problem symptoms with the very best in soothing ingredients.

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