Best Baby Formula for Reflux and Spit Up

Written by Renee    Published on 07/16/24     Read Time  10 min

Baby holding Spoon in Mouth | My Organic Company

Acid reflux in infants is when stomach contents and stomach acid flow back into the throat and esophagus. The esophagus is the tube that connects the throat and stomach.

It's important to remember that acid reflux in infants is a common problem, especially in babies three months old or younger. It can occur in both breastfed and formula-fed babies, so you're not alone in this experience.

This article will explore suitable baby formula options that alleviate worries and are nutritionally balanced, providing confidence in your choice.

Acid Reflux and Spit Up | My Organic Company

What is Acid Reflux In Babies?

Everyone has a muscle (the lower esophageal sphincter) that acts as a valve between the esophagus and stomach. When you swallow, this muscle relaxes to let food pass from the esophagus to the stomach. This muscle stays closed, so the stomach contents don't flow back into the esophagus.

When the lower esophageal sphincter muscle is not fully developed, this valve allows stomach contents to back up the esophagus, causing regurgitation or spitting up. It is not unusual for an infant with acid reflux to spit up several times after feeding. Depending on the severity, it may start to affect your child’s development and growth.

How Common is Reflux in Infants?

Many infants experience reflux during their first months of life, a condition in which they frequently spit up throughout the day. This phenomenon affects approximately half of all babies during their first three months. Fortunately, reflux typically diminishes when the child reaches 18 months of age.

What are the Symptoms of Acid Reflux in Infants?

The main symptom of reflux is spitting up. Generally, acid reflux is not a cause for concern and only causes minor irritation of the throat or esophagus and causes symptoms.

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What is Silent Reflux in Babies?

Babies with silent reflux may not spit up after feedings, making it more challenging to discern. Infants with silent reflux also often present with feeding difficulties, which can slow weight gain and even cause weight loss. In extreme cases, this can result in undernutrition.

Symptoms of Silent Reflux

Silent reflux may have symptoms similar to traditional reflux diseases, such as fussiness or poor feeding habits. One notable difference is that babies do not spit up; because of this, silent reflux symptoms are often mistaken for colic.

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Infant Reflux - Diagnosis and Treatment

The options for treating acid reflux in your baby depend on their age and the severity. As with any feeding trouble, we recommend talking with your pediatrician to ensure that there are no other concerns. 

Your child's healthcare provider will be able to determine whether your baby's symptoms are manageable with changes at home or if medical intervention is needed. 

Small changes at home are usually the best to alleviate symptoms in babies with reflux.

Smaller, Frequent Feedings

Formula-fed infants can go longer stretches between feedings. However, this is also not ideal for babies with reflux. Reducing the number of ounces and increasing feeding time to every two to three hours while your little one is awake can help to reduce abdominal pressure.

Upright Feedings

Holding your baby upright during feedings and for 30 minutes after will help reduce the symptoms of reflux.

Placing your baby down too soon after feeding increases the likelihood of fussiness and spitting up, which is associated with acid reflux. 



Burping your little one after every ounce or two will minimize gastric pressure and the discomfort it can cause. The best way to burp a baby experiencing reflux is by holding them with their tummy side against your chest and burping them over your shoulder. This will allow for the removal of trapped gas and acid from your baby's system before giving them further milk to drink.

Formula Changes

Your doctor may recommend a formula change if your baby needs acid reflux. A baby formula with an easier-to-digest protein or thickened consistency may bring relief to your infant. 

Baby Formula Can | My Organic Company

Best Baby Formulas for Acid Reflux

It is essential to choose a formula designed to nourish your infant well with the best ingredients. Each component must be designed and sourced in a specific way that will give your baby all the clean energy for cognitive growth and physical development and all soothing digestive worries. 

Choose a baby formula that does not contain ingredients that can aggravate little tummies or cause an allergic reaction. Non-lactose sugars, toxic metals, and preservatives top the list of ingredients to be avoided. 

Hydrolyzed Protein Formulas

Pediatricians recommend hydrolyzed formulas when there are milk protein sensitivities. These formulas contain partially broken-down hydrolyzed proteins to make them easier for infants to digest.

Hydrolyzed formulas effectively reduce acid reflux because they move quickly through the digestive system and have less chance of spitting up. When choosing a hydrolyzed formula, look for powdered nutrition packed with crucial minerals and antioxidants that infants need to meet growth milestones for immunity, bone strength, and brain development.

HiPP HA Combiotic

HiPP (HA) Hypoallergenic Combiotic baby formula is formulated for infants and toddlers at a higher risk of food allergies, cow’s milk sensitivity, or babies dealing with acid reflux.

HiPP HA is made with probiotics and prebiotics to aid in absorption, support healthy gut flora, and extensively hydrolyzed lactose proteins to ease digestion. The prebiotics and probiotics add to the hydrolyzed lactose to soothe and settle little tummies, relieving reflux. 

HiPP HA Formula | My Organic Company

Thickened Baby Formula for Reflux

Specialized formulas that are thickened formulas help make stomach contents heavier and harder to regurgitate, which means they're less likely to come back up. 

When choosing a thickened formula for your little one, the best relief starts with organic ingredients. This will ensure clean nutrition without further digestive worries. 

HiPP’s Anti-Reflux (AR) Formula

HiPP’s Anti-Reflux (AR) baby formula uses natural organic ingredients to soothe digestion in your little one. HiPP AR is suitable for the dietary management of reflux and regurgitation from birth.

HiPP Anti-Reflux helps babies experiencing reflux and excessive spit-up by adding natural organic locust bean gum flour. This makes this formula incredibly creamy and a little heavier. 

HiPP Anti-Reflux infant milk formula contains all the essential nutrients needed for optimal cell division, tissue growth, and cognitive development, including folate, prebiotics, and probiotics.

HiPP Anti-Reflux Formula | My Organic Company

Baby Reflux: Support and Relief

Our specialty is providing pure, clean nutrition that stands out for infants who struggle with digestive worries and allergies or if your family is looking for alternatives to lactose-based formulas. We understand the importance of your baby's well-being and have carefully crafted our products with this in mind. 

My Organic Company, with its expertise in European baby formulas, carries products that meet your growing baby’s physical, cognitive, and gastric needs. We are here for you, providing the highest quality and expertise in infant nutrition. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Best Baby Bottle for Reflux or Spit Up?

Choosing a good baby bottle can help with reflux in your infant, in combination with the best baby formula. 

The best anti-reflux can prevent air bubbles from getting into your little one’s stomach and minimize spitting up. Specialty bottles reduce the risk of the baby swallowing air, which can get trapped in their stomach and cause them to feel uncomfortable and full.

What Size of Bottle Nipple is Best for Reflux?

The wide breast-shaped nipple lets your baby latch and feed comfortably. Choosing the slowest flow that will allow your formula to move through can often decrease gas and fussiness.

Faster-flow nipples may be needed for anti-reflux formulas. If a slow-flow nipple is used, the milk can get “stuck” in the nipple, and the baby may have to suck too hard to get the milk. 

What is the Difference Between Spitting Up and Vomiting?

Spitting up is the easy flow of a baby's stomach contents through their mouth, possibly with a burp. Vomiting occurs when the flow is forceful — shooting out inches rather than dribbling from the mouth.

Can Spitting Up Affect My Baby’s Growth?

Normal spitting up doesn't interfere with a baby's well-being. As long as your baby seems comfortable and is eating well and gaining weight, there's little cause for concern. If your baby is gaining weight, they aren’t being harmed by the calories lost through spitting up.

Of course, please speak to your family medical provider about any questions or concerns. 


Please be aware that this information is based on general trends in babies, and it is not medical advice. Your doctor should be your first source of information and advice when considering any changes to your child’s formula and when choosing your child’s formula. Always consult your pediatrician before making any decisions about your child’s diet or if you notice any changes in your child.

Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for your baby because breast milk provides your child with all the essential nutrients they need for growth and development. Please consult your pediatrician if your child requires supplemental feeding.

Author Bio:

Renee is an infant nutrition consultant and a full-time writer. Due to her experience in seeking better nutrition for her premature daughter, she advocates for European baby formula. Renee is fully committed to contributing value to this critical area of child development as a mother of a large family, foster parent, and adoption supporter.

Renee enjoys camping outdoors, swimming, and hiking with her family when she is not working.

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