The Best Formula for Infants with Food Allergies

Written by Renee    Published on 07/16/24     Read Time  7 min

Baby with Face Rash | My Organic Company

Food allergies can be a concern for infants. Babies of all ages, whether breastfed, formula-fed, or eating solid foods, can develop food allergies. 

This article will discuss the recommended nutrition for families that choose bottle feeding. The formula should help alleviate discomfort and fussiness or prevent potential food allergies in the most sensitive infants

Food Allergies Formula Recommendations | My Organic Company

How to Recognize Food Allergies in an Infant

Let's start with the basics. What is an allergic reaction? An allergic response occurs when your baby's immune system, a powerful defender, reacts to something it perceives as a threat. 

This system is designed to recognize and eliminate harmful substances, like germs, to keep us healthy. Sometimes, an infant's immune system gets confused and responds to something they eat or come in contact with. 

Even in these instances, the immune system is working to protect your sweet little one, creating inflammation and releasing a histamine chemical. When the immune system responds to a real threat, this can help to eliminate the germs, giving you confidence in your baby's defense system. 

If you notice symptoms such as hives or swelling, it's essential to consult your family's medical provider. They can help you identify the trigger and provide guidance on managing your baby's allergies.

What is a Food Allergy?

Roughly one in eight children under the age of three are affected by food allergies, which can manifest as reactions to common early foods and baby formulas. These allergies can present a significant challenge for parents and caregivers as they navigate the introduction of new foods and seek safe and nourishing options for their little ones.

Common Food Allergy Triggers | My Organic Company

Symptoms of Food Allergies in Infants

The first cue that your baby has a food allergy or reaction is fussiness and constant movement, which indicate that the baby is uncomfortable. 

Though fussiness alone does not mean a baby has an allergy, it could be an early indication, especially after eating.

The symptoms of a food allergy can be mild or severe. They may also develop suddenly, as soon as your baby eats the food, or appear more gradually. In some children, the immediate allergic reaction can be severe and interfere with breathing. In this case, please contact emergency responders immediately.

Allergic Reaction | My Organic Company

⚠️If you notice wheezing, coughing, or breathing problems (which can appear like an asthma attack) or Swelling of the tongue and throat that is making it hard for your child to breathe, contact medical professionals right away⚠️

Avoiding a Milk Allergy Reaction

Only using pure, clean nutrition can treat and avoid food allergies. Choosing a baby formula without toxic ingredients such as heavy metals, non-lactose sugars, and undetectable dangerous ( think pesticides and growth hormones ) contents is imperative.

The best ingredients will hugely decrease the chance of triggering symptoms caused by allergic reactions to ingredients.
Baby Eating | My Organic Company

Best Baby Formula for Food Allergies

European Baby Formula company follows strict infant nutrition regulations and guidelines. Family businesses work to provide formulas that will support your child’s healthy growth and development in every way, including aiding your child in finding the best food allergy alternatives.

Best Hydrolyzed Baby Formula for Allergies

Extensively hydrolyzed formulas provide complete nutrition for infants with concerns about food allergies, such as cow's milk protein allergies.


Little ones with food allergies do best on an infant formula with smaller proteins. By extensively hydrolyzing or “breaking down,” the Hydrolyzed Baby Formula proteins became smaller and easy-to-digest proteins.


Baby formulas with hydrolyzed proteins help to alleviate gassiness, colic, and food allergy skin worries such as eczema.

HiPP HA Baby Formula Benefits | My Organic Company

Best Plant-Based Baby Formulas for Allergies

European vegan formulas are nutritionally well-balanced and promote future health, making them a perfect option for babies with food allergies.

100% vegan formulas, free of animal-derived ingredients and lactose, are a reliable source of nutrition. They can be used from birth through toddlerhood and offer the same nutritional value as traditional baby formulas.

Free of allergenic proteins, vegan formulas are better for babies with digestive sensitivities or intolerance to cow's or goat's milk formula. They also avoid the dangers of soy or the unwanted side effects of gluten.

Premibio Vegan Baby Formula | My Organic Company

Milk Allergy VS. Milk Intolerance

When your little one seems to be reacting poorly to your current formula, the cause could be a lactose allergy or cow's milk intolerance

Intolerance and allergy are very different problems, but they can have similar symptoms. Unfortunately, this can result in confusion and sometimes improper treatment.

Lactose Allergy in Baby 

An allergy is when an infant's immune system reacts negatively. In this case, it will respond to cow milk proteins. Your baby's immune system sees the cow’s milk protein as an invader and then releases histamines and other chemicals to fight the unwanted substance.

Lactose Intolerance

This reaction starts in a baby’s digestive system and occurs when the body does not make enough lactase enzymes to digest lactose.

Instead of digesting normally in your little one's stomach and small intestine, undigested lactose moves into the baby's colon, where bacteria break down and cause bloating and gas.

It can be uncomfortable for an infant, but it’s not dangerous and can be easily remedied with proper nutrition

Lactose Intolerance in Babies | My Organic Company

Best Baby Formula for Lactose Intolerance

Babies needing extra support digesting lactose can benefit from specialized nutrition. 

European baby formulas are known for the perfect nutrition to meet every developmental stage and digestive need, and lactose intolerance is no exception.

Goat Milk Baby Formula

Goat's milk does contain lactose, but it is slightly less than cow’s milk. Along with gentler A2 milk protein, this formula is easier to digest and absorb. 

Evidence suggests that babies with lactose intolerance can tolerate goat’s milk baby formula and benefit digestively and nutritionally from the highest-quality organic standards and ingredients

Best Goat Milk Formula | My Organic Company

Formulas for Infants with Food Allergies

Your baby deserves the best, including those needing extra support for food allergies. 

My Organic Company works hard to provide nutrition for every baby from birth through the toddler years. We look forward to hearing how we can nutritionally serve your family.


Please be aware that this information is based on general trends in babies, and it is not medical advice. Your doctor should be your first source of information and advice when considering any changes to your child’s formula and when choosing your child’s formula. Always consult your pediatrician before making any decisions about your child’s diet or if you notice any changes in your child.

Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for your baby because breast milk provides your child with all the essential nutrients they need for growth and development. Please consult your pediatrician if your child requires supplemental feeding.

Author Bio:

Renee is an infant nutrition consultant and a full-time writer. Due to her experience in seeking better nutrition for her premature daughter, she advocates for European baby formula. Renee is fully committed to contributing value to this critical area of child development as a mother of a large family, foster parent, and adoption supporter.

Renee enjoys camping outdoors, swimming, and hiking with her family when she is not working.

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